Lab-grown food pivotal for food security in the Asia-Pacific, opines GlobalData

GlobalData examines the state of affairs and consumer attitudes towards lab-grown food in the Asia-Pacific.

Plant-based protein alternatives have become the buzzword in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) food and beverage industry. In contrast, lab-grown food is a less heard-of concept. While plant-based alternatives are made with plant-derived ingredients, lab-grown food is produced from animal-derived cells or products. Cultivated meat, for instance, is made by culturing muscle, tissue, or skin cells extracted from live animals. The extracted cells are placed in a nutrient medium in bioreactors to stimulate cell multiplication. As the cells proliferate, they can be fashioned into the desired cuts of meat. Meat produced in this manner is also called cultured meat, cellular meat, invitro meat, clean meat, and cellular agriculture.

Healthy Ageing and Mood Management in APAC

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APAC alternative proteins market rife with venture financing and M&A activity, opines GlobalData

Alternative proteins have made significant inroads in the Asia-Pacific over the last five years, spurred by rising consumer health concerns, and increased manufacturer activity in the regions.

Alternative proteins, particularly plant-based dairy and meat alternatives have made significant inroads in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region since 2018. Additionally, the global meat supply chain disruptions and heightened fears of disease transmission through meat during the COVID-19 outbreak catalysed market growth. More consumers began experimenting with plant-based meat alternatives in 2020, thereby expanding the market base.

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