Giving Ayurveda A Modern Makeover For Millennial Wellness Enthusiasts

Indian brand Auric makes an ancient medical science, convenient and accessible to both consumers and natural health practitioners.
6 takeaways from KFC U.S. headquarters

KFC’s sharpened focus on attracting younger and more diverse customers through boneless, portable innovations is paying off, according to the restaurant’s CMO Nick Chavez.
Gap between grocery-restaurant prices widens slightly in September

Consumer Price Index remains elevated, rising 3.7% for the prior 12-month period
Krispy Kreme upgrades its coffee line

Krispy Kreme said its new coffee platform features “richer roasts and better beans”.
Consumers may be reaching restaurant menu price fatigue

New data from HundredX shows that consumers’ net sentiment toward menu pricing has fallen by 7% over the past year.
As restaurant competition rebounds, here are 5 ways to encourage repeat dining

Loyalty programs are key
Shake Shack sees growing potential in licensed restaurants

Same-store sales rose 10.3% for the quarter as customers return to in-restaurant dining
From Bamboo Nuts to Sesame Seeds: Noteworthy, Emerging Dairy Alternatives from Asia

Exploring the benefits of plant-based dairy alternatives from Asia that are proving to be more nutritious and sustainable than their Western counterparts.
Food For Thought – How Food Industry By-Products Are Being Recycled By Asian Beauty Brands

As sustainability gains traction across industries, these beauty brands have found a way to harness the power of discarded products from the food industry and turn them into something beautiful.
Did you know Why Korea Imports Kimchi from China

Kimchi, South Korea’s cherished culinary icon, faces a surprising shift with a rising influx of imports from China. Here is a look into the economic, social, and agricultural factors behind this surge, to uncover the reasons driving Korea’s growing dependence on Chinese kimchi imports.