T.I.N.A. (This Is Not Alcohol) – Is A Luxury Non-Alcoholic Beverage
Cousins Imogen Hayes and Christina Trabucco in Australia, have succeeded in creating a complex, savoury beverage brimming with flavour for the no/low alcohol market.
Why it’s Important to Support Local Farmers and Fishers
In this guest blog from Love British Food, ambassador Jo Bruce shares why supporting farmers and fishers matters.
8 Benefits of Putting More Plant-Rich Meals On The Menu
We’ve spoken before about the environmental and social arguments for reducing the amount of meat on your menu – but what about the business benefits?
Sourcing Spotlight: Taking a Closer Look at Coffee
From gender inequality and exploitative pay to deforestation and the effects of the climate crisis, read on to learn about the social, economic and environmental problems in coffee production.
Sourcing Spotlight: Taking a Closer Look at Spices
In this article, we do a deep dive into some of the biggest issues in the spice industry and how you can bring more sustainability into your sourcing policies.
Sourcing Spotlight: Taking a Closer Look at Salt
In this article, we explore why it’s important to pay attention to the sourcing of your salt, share the fascinating story of indigenous salt production in Bali and highlight key ways you can ensure the salt you buy for your kitchen has a positive impact on both people and planet.
What employers need to know now that the 80/20 tip credit rule has been overturned
How two law firms think that businesses should prepare for returning to the old tip credit laws and if the rules could change again one day.
How self-service tech is saving jobs in California’s $20 minimum wage era
The wage requirements are accelerating a technological shift.
How restaurants can protect guests from car injuries in parking lots
Operators have a duty to protect their patrons. Here’s what you need to know.
Why dynamic pricing just needs a rebrand
Even after discontinuing its dynamic pricing tool, Juicer and other tech vendors continue to tout smart variable pricing tools for today’s economic climate.